
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober 25, 2015

Foto asli KH Ahmad Dahlan dan Murid-muridnya 1912

Diyakini sbg foto asli KH Ahmad Dahlan dilanggarnya bersama murid2nya thn 1912. Keterangan Foto: Titel: De school Madrassah Moehammadijah onder Hadji Dachlan te Yogyakarta Reis van G.A.J. Hazeu onder auspiciën van Volkenkunde naar Indonesië expeditie Maker: fotograaf: G.A.J. Hazeu Trefwoord: Yogyakarta (cultuur) constructies sociaal onderwijs, onderricht, leermiddelen (locaal gemaakt/gebruikt) Verv.jaar: voor 1912 Verv.plaats:Yogyakarta, Indonesië Techniek: Materiaal: papier Techniek: ontwikkel gelatine zilverdruk Object: foto Afmeting: Drager: 16,8 × 11,8 cm — Afbeelding: 16,8 × 11,8 cm Bron: [A413-3], Kerncollectie Fotografie, Museum Volkenkunde Copyright: Voor meer informatie: Museum Volkenkunde Link: masukkan kkey word: "Moehammadijah" atau "Dachlan"

The 2015 Muhammadiyah Muktamar: Narrow Win for Moderates

Synopsis Muhammadiyah’s 47th congress was marked by a fierce theological debate between its moderate and conservative members. While a moderate candidate was eventually elected as its new chairman, the conservative contender came very close to taking over the organisation. Commentary MUHAMMADIYAH, INDONESIA’s second largest Islamic organisation, held its muktamar or national congress from 3 to 7 August 2015 in Makassar, South Sulawesi. Unlike its traditionalist cousin the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah’s founding philosophy is to purify Islam from man-made and syncretic elements – what Muhammadiyah members called “superstitions, innovations, and mystics” (tahyul, bid’ah, and khurafat). However, it historically advocates such reforms through peaceful dialogue and political moderation rather than a more radical path. A number of key issues were discussed during the five-yearly congress. First, activists debated whether Islam as practised by Muha



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