
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari 22, 2017

Konsep Islam Berkemajuan dan Relasinya dengan Masyarakat Islam yang Sebenar-benarnya

Giving a lecture at Darul Arqam Paripurna, DPP IMM. Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, 26 Januari 2017. Topic of my lecture: "Konsep Islam Berkemajuan dan Relasinya dengan Masyarakat Islam yang Sebenar-benarnya".

Visi Kosmopolitanisme Islam di Lingkungan Jaringan Intelektual Muda Muhammadiyah

Teosofi: Jurnal Tasawuf dan Pemikiran Islam Vol. 5 No. 2 Desember 2015 Hasnan Bachtiar, Haeri Fadly, dan Moh. Nurhakim Abstract This paper tries to diagnose the vision of Islamic Cosmopolitanism toward the circle of Young Intellectual Muhammadiyah Network (JIMM). Through the perspective of social diagnose of the tradition of Mannhemian sociology of knowledge, it finds that JIMM has their own intellectual stand amongst some humanity discourses and ideas such pluralism, multiculturalism, bhinneka nationalism and cosmopolitanism. Elaborations among these discourses and ideas are played in order to serve the sense of social justice and humanity, as well as human dignity in the world. These elaborations are dakwah efforts that want to be a winner in the midst of global civilization constellation. However, in these attitudes, JIMM has foundation of thought which is interpreted into three ways, are: progressive Islam, social liberation, and historical activism. In dealing with very different

Lazismu and Remaking the Muhammadiyah’s New Way of Philanthropy

Zakiyuddin Baidhawy Abstract This study is aimed to analyze the new way of philanthropy by special reference to Lembaga Amil Zakat Infak dan Sadaqah Muhammadiyah (Muhammadiyah Philanthropic Board: hereafter Lazismu); explore the measures taken by Lazismu to promote empowerment and social justice movements by combining charity and entrepreneurship; and understand the motive of the new philanthropy movement initiated by Lazismu. Through the ‘third way’ approach and analysis, this study found that: first, Muhammadiyah, as a non-profit social-religious organization, admits its role as an agent of transformation vis-à-vis the State. Lazismu is able to show its flexibility to adapt to new trends in philanthropy. Lazismu is also able to initiate breakthrough in management of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah and move them beyond charity activities to productive and redistributive activities to promote social justice and equity. Second, Lazismu shows creativity and sophisticated programs exceeding the



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